InTouch SmartCards
  Wireless experts serving travelers since 1987!

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anywhere you go!  More info >

We now have a great replacement for 
the United Mobile International SIM Card
and  the 
Swisscom Global SIM Card

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World Phone Bundles

SIM Cards

Value GSM Phones

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GSM Camera Phones

Quad-Band World Phones

GSM Smart Phones

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Entertainment GSM Phones

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SmartForward US Number

International Origination
Call Back Calling Card

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Prepaid Caribbean SIM Card SFQ
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Shipping Weight:1.00 Pounds


Reload (add $99.89)

Reload + SmartForward Number directed to your SIM Card (add $149.89)
No Thanks
Gold Number (Easy to remember e.g. XXX-111-444):
Yes (add $50)
No Thanks!
The Caribbean Prepaid Global SIM Card

Use in over 30 Caribbean and South American countries

Toll free access for your callers (adds 49¢ to incoming call cost)

Outbound calls back to the USA debit at just 24 eurocents per minute from many countries

All instructions, menus, and prompts in English

Recharge minutes anytime via the phone or web

Save 50% to 150% off of US carrier roaming rates for the Caribbean

Optional US-based phone number available, for more information click here

SMS, and Voicemail

The best solution for travel to multiple Carribean nations

SIM arrives pre-activated and ready to use
  How It Works
 Getting ready for a trip to the Caribbean and looking for a SIM card that will work throughout the different island nations of the Caribbean? Only the Caribbean SIM card from InTouch SmartCards offers consistently low rates throughout the Caribbean and no roaming charges.

Roaming rates from the US carriers continue to climb making it necessary to consider other options. More and more resorts are adopting special premium numbers that make it extremely expensive for your friends and family to call you, not to mention the outrageous long distance charges that you will be subject to if you pick up your hotel phone.

With the Caribbean SIM card from InTouch SmartCards you simply purchase minutes in prepaid blocks in advance which allows you greater control over the amount of money you will spend on keeping in touch. The base SIM card comes with about 15 minutes (from most countries in the Caribbean) and more minutes can be added with a simple phone call.

Do You Have an Unlocked GSM Phone?

To use this service, you will need an unlocked GSM cell phone with the correct band.  If you purchased your GSM cell phone from a carrier it may be SIM-locked which means only SIM cards from that specific carrier can be used in your phone.

InTouch SmartCards is happy to help advise you if this SIM will work with your existing phone. If you do not have a compatible phone see below for details on our Value Phone Deal where you can get your own unlocked phone for only $99, a special promotional rate only available to customers who purchase this SIM card.  If you are unsure if your current phone will work with this SIM card, please either call us at 1-800-872-7626 (or from overseas at 1-703-620-0879) or consider purchasing the Value Phone (see below) to use with our SIM card.

  Rates (All rates below in euros)
CountryIncoming Calls

Outgoing Calls

Outgoing Text Messages
AnguillaFree 0.59 0.39
Antigua & Barbuda1.001.99 0.39
Argentina1.501.99 0.39
ArubaFree 0.59 0.39
Bahamas1.991.99 0.39
Dominican Republic1.251.29 0.39
Guadeloupe1.001.29 0.39
Haiti0.250.59 0.39
St. BartsFree0.59 0.39
St. Kitts1.250.59 0.39
St. LuciaFree0.59 0.39
St. MartinFree0.59 0.39
St. Vincent & The Grenadines0.251.29 0.39
United States1.991.99 0.39
US Virgin Islands1.991.99 0.39
  Service Life
 Your airtime can be used for 9 months from your last recharge or initial activation.  If airtime credit is not added during the 12th month, the SIM card will be de-activated and the phone number will be recycled.  To avoid this and have the SIM card ready for your next trip, simply purchase a small reload or pass the SIM card onto a friend.
  International Capability
 The SIM presented here as a Caribbean SIM can also be used in 140 countries throughout the world. If you will be traveling outside of the USA on another trip you will want to bring this SIM with you. For more information on the many different countries where you can use this SIM click here

Your Caribbean SIM card can roam on multiple networks within a single country. With your Caribbean SIM card, you can actually switch between these networks to get the best/strongest network and your airtime rate always remains the same.  This is a GSM attribute and it is a very powerful feature of global roaming SIM cards for international travel.

So if you're getting a weak signal or having trouble completing an outgoing call, it makes sense to try to switch networks.  This will require you to know how to use the "Network" feature of your cell phone, so consult your cell phone's operating manual and find out where and how to change networks with your prepaid SIM card.
  Operating Instructions
 Making calls using your SIM card

To make a call, simply dial the country code, the phone number and then press the "Send" or "Yes" key.

Instead of putting the phone to your ear immediately, wait about two seconds and the phone will ring back, alerting you to answer the phone.  Press the "Send" or "Yes" key and you will hear your call go through.

Please Note:  When calling from the US to your SIM card's international number, callers will have to dial "011" followed by your number.  We also offer a US based number.  For more information, click here.

Adding credit/Purchasing reloads/Additional details

If you are not using your Caribbean SIM card, SIM card only needs to be reloaded once every 9 months to remain active. 

When it is time to reload, you can simply call us and we will add the reload directly to your account.  To purchase reloads for your SIM, please call our reload center at 1-703-620-0879 (or from your mobile at +1-703-620-0879) or at 1-800-872-7626 from within the US.

Additional airtime is available in $69.99 or $99.99 blocks.

This service does not support sending text messages to US CDMA carriers (Verizon,Sprint PCS, Ect.).  Text messages to the US can be sent to AT&T, Cingular and T-Mobile numbers only.


For more information on this exciting new product, please call us at 1-800-872-7626 x0.

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